React Basics & Building Components 

## Module 1: Introduction to React and Its Features

### 1.1 Overview of React

- Introduction to React as a JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Key features of React: Virtual DOM, component-based architecture, declarative syntax

### 1.2 React Components

- Understanding the concept of components in React
- Class components vs. functional components
- The role of state and props in components

### 1.3 React Architecture

- The Virtual DOM and its importance for efficient rendering
- React's unidirectional data flow
- Component lifecycle methods: mounting, updating, unmounting

## Module 2: Setting Up a React Development Environment

### 2.1 Prerequisites

- Overview of prerequisites: Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager)
- Installing Node.js and npm

### 2.2 Create React App

- Introduction to Create React App for easy project setup
- Using Create React App to create a new React project
- Project structure and configuration

### 2.3 Running a React App

- Navigating the React project directory
- Starting and stopping the development server
- Viewing the React app in the browser

## Module 3: JSX Syntax and Its Benefits

### 3.1 Understanding JSX

- What is JSX and its relation to JavaScript
- JSX syntax rules and structure
- Embedding expressions in JSX

### 3.2 JSX vs. HTML

- Key differences between JSX and HTML
- Class vs. className, inline styles, self-closing tags
- JSX expressions within curly braces

### 3.3 Benefits of JSX

- Declarative syntax for defining UI components
- Enhanced readability and maintainability
- Integration of JavaScript logic directly in JSX

## Conclusion:

- Recap of React basics, component structure, and the Virtual DOM
- Emphasize the importance of JSX in React development
- Encourage participants to explore React documentation and continue learning

This training plan is designed to provide a solid foundation in React basics and building components. The modular structure allows for flexibility in presentation and discussion based on the participants' level of expertise and prior knowledge.

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