Introduction to HTML & CSS

### Module 1: Understanding the Basics of Web Development

#### 1.1 What is Web Development?

- Definition of web development
- Overview of the role of web developers in creating websites and web applications
- Introduction to the client-side (front-end) and server-side (back-end) development

#### 1.2 Importance of HTML & CSS in Web Development

- Explanation of how HTML and CSS work together
- Role of HTML in structuring web content
- Role of CSS in styling and formatting web content

### Module 2: Introduction to HTML Tags and Attributes

#### 2.1 Introduction to HTML

- Definition and purpose of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
- Overview of HTML document structure: doctype, head, and body
- Understanding the basic HTML tags: `<html>`, `<head>`, `<body>`

#### 2.2 HTML Document Structure

- Explanation of HTML elements, tags, and attributes
- Nesting of HTML elements
- Importance of indentation for code readability

#### 2.3 Common HTML Tags

- Introduction to basic tags: `<h1>`, `<p>`, `<a>`, `<img>`, `<ul>`, `<ol>`, `<li>`
- Explanation of semantic tags: `<header>`, `<nav>`, `<main>`, `<article>`, `<section>`, `<footer>`

#### 2.4 HTML Attributes

- Understanding HTML attributes and their role
- Examples of common attributes: `class`, `id`, `src`, `href`, `alt`

### Module 3: Styling HTML Pages with CSS

#### 3.1 Introduction to CSS

- Definition and purpose of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
- Separation of content and presentation in web development
- Introduction to the box model: margin, border, padding, content

#### 3.2 Selectors and Properties

- Understanding CSS selectors: element, class, ID
- Introduction to CSS properties: color, font-size, margin, padding, etc.
- Hands-on exercises on applying styles to HTML elements

#### 3.3 CSS Box Model

- In-depth explanation of the box model
- Practical examples of adjusting margins, borders, and padding
- Importance of box model in creating responsive layouts

#### 3.4 External Stylesheets

- Benefits of using external stylesheets
- Linking external CSS files to HTML documents
- Organizing and maintaining styles in separate files

### Conclusion:

- Recap of key concepts learned in HTML and CSS
- Emphasize the importance of practice and hands-on coding
- Encourage exploration of additional resources for continued learning

This outline serves as a foundation for a class introducing HTML and CSS to beginners. Each section can be expanded with examples, hands-on exercises, and interactive elements to engage the class effectively.