## Module 1: Advanced CSS Techniques
### 1.1 Flexbox Fundamentals
- Introduction to Flexbox as a layout model
- Key concepts: flex containers and flex items
- Properties: `display: flex`, `flex-direction`, `justify-content`, `align-items`, `flex-grow`, `flex-shrink`, `flex-basis`
### 1.2 Advanced Flexbox Techniques
- Nested flex containers
- Alignment with `align-self` and `align-content`
- Responsive design with flexbox
### 1.3 CSS Grid Basics
- Overview of CSS Grid as a two-dimensional layout system
- Properties: `grid-template-columns`, `grid-template-rows`, `grid-gap`, `grid-column`, `grid-row`
### 1.4 Grid Layout Techniques
- Creating responsive grid layouts
- Grid item placement with `grid-column` and `grid-row`
- Auto-placement and named grid areas
## Module 2: Best Practices for HTML and CSS Development
### 2.1 HTML Best Practices
- Semantic HTML: proper use of tags for better accessibility and SEO
- Nesting and indentation for clean code
- Validating HTML with W3C Markup Validation Service
### 2.2 CSS Best Practices
- Consistent naming conventions (BEM, OOCSS)
- Proper organization of CSS files
- Minification and optimization techniques
### 2.3 Responsive Design Best Practices
- Mobile-first design principles
- Testing and debugging for different devices and browsers
- Media queries and breakpoints for responsive layouts
## Module 3: Overview of JavaScript Language and Its Features
### 3.1 Introduction to JavaScript
- Brief history and evolution of JavaScript
- JavaScript as a client-side scripting language
- The role of JavaScript in modern web development
### 3.2 JavaScript Basics
- Variables, data types, and operators
- Control flow: if statements, loops, switch statements
- Functions and their role in code organization
### 3.3 DOM Manipulation
- Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM)
- Selecting and modifying HTML elements with JavaScript
- Event handling and listeners
### 3.4 Introduction to ES6 Features
- Let and const declarations
- Arrow functions
- Template literals and string interpolation
- Destructuring assignments
## Conclusion:
- Recap of advanced CSS techniques, best practices for HTML and CSS, and JavaScript basics
- Encourage participants to apply the learned concepts through hands-on exercises
- Provide additional resources for further learning and exploration
This training plan aims to cover advanced CSS techniques, best practices for HTML and CSS development, and the fundamentals of JavaScript. The modular structure allows for flexibility in presentation and discussion based on the participants' level of expertise and prior knowledge.