In module 2, we will dive into two fundamental aspects of Express.js:
Routing and Middleware. These are essential concepts that empower
developers to create dynamic and efficient web applications.
2.1 Creating Routes - Handling HTTP Requests
Routing in Express.js
Routing is a core concept in Express.js that allows you to define how
your application responds to different HTTP requests and URL paths.
In Express, routes are defined using HTTP methods (such as GET,
POST, PUT, DELETE) and URL patterns. Each route specifies a function
to execute when a request matching that route is received.
Creating Basic Routes
Here's how to create basic routes in Express:
- javascript
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
// Define a route for GET requests to the root path
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.send('This is the homepage');
// Define a route for POST requests to the “/submit” path'/submit', (req, res) => {
res.send('Form submitted successfully');
// Define a route for all other paths
app.use((req, res) => {
res.status(404).send('Page not found');
// Start the server
const port = 3000;
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`);
In this example:
We define a route for HTTP GET requests to the root path ('/').
When a user accesses the root URL, they receive the response
'This is the homepage.'
We define a route for HTTP POST requests to the '/submit'
path. This is often used for form submissions.
We use a catch-all route (expressed as “
app.use()”) to handle
all other paths. If a user requests an undefined path, they
receive a 'Page not found' response.
The server is started on port 3000.
Dynamic Routes
Express also allows you to create dynamic routes using parameters in
the URL. Parameters are indicated by a colon followed by the
parameter name in the URL pattern. Here's an example:
- javascript
app.get('/users/:id', (req, res) => {
const userId =;
res.send(`User ID: ${userId}`);
In this example, the “:id” parameter is a placeholder for any value in
the URL. When a user accesses a URL like '/users/123', the value
'123' is extracted from the URL and made available in
“”. You can then use this value to perform actions or
look up data related to that user.
2.2 Defining Middleware Functions ….
Middleware functions are a powerful aspect of Express.js that allow
you to add processing logic to incoming requests before they reach
your route handlers. Middleware functions can perform tasks such as
request parsing, authentication, logging, and error handling. They are
executed in the order in which they are defined in your Express
Creating Middleware Functions
Here's how you can create and use middleware functions in Express:
- javascript
// Example middleware function
function logRequest(req, res, next) {
console.log(`Received ${req.method} request for ${req.url}`);
next(); // Call next() to pass control to the next middleware or route
// Using the middleware function
// Define a route that uses the middleware
app.get('/protected', (req, res) => {
res.send('This route is protected');
In this example:
We define a middleware function “logRequest” that logs
information about incoming requests, such as the HTTP method
and URL.
The “next()” function is called to pass control to the next
middleware or route handler. This is crucial to ensure that the
request continues to be processed after the middleware logic is
We use “app.use()” to apply the “logRequest” middleware to all
routes, meaning it will be executed for every incoming request.
Using Middleware for Authentication
Middleware functions are often used for implementing
authentication in Express applications. Here's a simplified example:
- javascript
// Example middleware for authentication
function authenticate(req, res, next) {
const isAuthenticated = /* Check if user is authenticated */;
if (isAuthenticated) {
next(); // Continue processing if authenticated
} else {
// Apply authentication middleware to a specific route
app.get('/protected', authenticate, (req, res) => {
res.send('This route is protected');
In this example:
The “authenticate” middleware checks if the user is
authenticated. If authenticated, it calls “next()” to allow the
request to proceed; otherwise, it sends a 'Unauthorized'
response with a status code of 401.
We apply the “authenticate” middleware only to the
'/protected' route, ensuring that it's executed only for that
specific route.
2.3 Routing Parameters and Route Chaining
Routing Parameters
Express.js allows you to extract data from URL parameters, as shown
earlier with dynamic routes. You can access these parameters using
req.params”. Here's a more detailed example:
- javascript
app.get('/users/:id/posts/:postId', (req, res) => {
const userId =;
const postId = req.params.postId;
res.send(`User ID: ${userId}, Post ID: ${postId}`);
In this example, we define a route that captures two parameters,
“:id” and “:postId”, from the URL. These values are then accessed
using “req.params”.
Route Chaining
Route chaining is a technique used to apply multiple route handlers
to a single route. This is particularly useful for breaking down the
handling of a route into smaller, reusable components.
- javascript
// Middleware for authentication
function authenticate(req, res, next) {
const isAuthenticated = /* Check if user is authenticated */;
if (isAuthenticated) {
} else {
// Middleware for logging
function logRequest(req, res, next) {
console.log(`Received ${req.method} request for ${req.url}`);
// Define a route and chain the middleware
(req, res) => {
res.send('This route is protected');
In this example:
We define two middleware functions, “authenticate” and
We use route chaining by passing an array of middleware
functions followed by the route handler function to “app.get()”.
This ensures that both “authenticate” and “logRequest”
middleware functions are executed before the final route
Route chaining allows you to create modular and organized routes by
breaking them down into smaller, reusable middleware components