Docker Networking | Bridge vs Host vs Overlay
Docker networking allows containers to communicate with each other and the host system.
- Containers can communicate with each other and the host system using networking.
- There are scenarios where containers need to talk to each other or be isolated from each other.

Containers need a networking way for communication
- Containers need a common networking method to communicate with each other and the host
- Containers can have isolated subnets for secure communication

Docker creates a virtual network called Docker 0 to enable communication between containers and the host.
- A container cannot communicate with the host without the virtual network.
- The default network in Docker is called bridge networking, where a bridge is used to allow communication between containers and the host.

Bridge networking is the default network in Docker.
- Docker also offers host networking where containers directly use the network of the host.
- Host networking can lead to security issues as anyone with access to the host can access the containers.

Using default networking options in Docker creates a common path for hackers or unauthorized access.
- All containers using the same virtual ethernet (Docker 0) can communicate with each other and the host.
- This default networking option lacks security and can be a risk for containers with sensitive data.

To achieve network isolation in Docker, you can create custom Bridge networks.
- Bridge, Host, and Overlay are the three types of networks in Docker.
- Host and Overlay networks cannot be used for network isolation, but Bridge networks can be customized.

Docker networking allows for isolation and communication between containers
- Default Docker network (Docker 0) enables communication between containers
- Virtual and custom Bridge networks allow for further networking isolation

By using Docker networking, containers can communicate with each other through IP addresses in the same subnet.
- Install necessary packages like ping command within a container.
- Use Docker exec command to log into and interact with containers.

Creating a custom bridge network called secure network for secure containers
- The secure network prevents communication between containers
- The finance container is assigned to the secure network for added security

Docker network types: Bridge, Host, and Overlay
- Containers by default use the Bridge network
- Bridge network provides isolation and communication between containers
- Custom network can be created for more secure container communication
- Host network allows containers to share the host's network interface

Understanding Docker networking and its importance in container management.
- Exploring the solutions provided by Docker for common networking issues like auto healing and auto scaling.