How to Manage Hundreds of Kubernetes clusters ???
Managing Kubernetes clusters in production is important for DevOps Engineers.
- DevOps Engineers are responsible for the creation, upgrade, configuration, and deletion of Kubernetes clusters.
- Popular local Kubernetes setups like Minikube and K3s are meant for development environments and should not be used in production.
Kubernetes distributions are important for managing clusters in production
- Kubernetes distributions are like enhanced versions of the open-source Kubernetes platform
- Different distributions like Amazon Linux and Ubuntu have their own enhancements and wrappers on top of Kubernetes
Choose a supported Kubernetes distribution for instant support.
- Kubernetes itself is an open-source software without managed or distributed support.
- Popular supported distributions include Amazon EKS, Red Hat OpenShift, and others.
Organizations use Kubernetes on production but also utilize Kubernetes systems for local testing and initial software testing
- In pre-production stages, Kubernetes systems are used for local testing or testing applications instead of creating EKS clusters
- Enterprises can directly use Kubernetes on production if they don't have stringent timelines for issue resolution
KOPS is a widely used tool for managing hundreds of Kubernetes clusters.
- KOPS is a tool that simplifies the lifecycle management of Kubernetes clusters for DevOps engineers.
- It handles installation, upgrades, modifications, and deletion of clusters.
Using KOPS to manage Kubernetes clusters
- KOPS provides ansible playbooks for installing OpenShift platform, but a Red Hat subscription is required
- KOPS allows for managing Kubernetes systems on the environment
Install KOPS and configure AWS user
- GitHub document just get the repositories, perform APT update and install required dependencies
- Grant AWS CLI IM user with specific permissions and configure access key and secret access key
Creating an S3 bucket for storing configuration is a prerequisite for managing Kubernetes clusters with KOPS.
- Admin user or IM user with full access to S3, IM, and VPC permissions is required.
- Use 'AWS configure' to set up the admin user credentials and create the bucket using 'S3 create bucket' command.
Configuring custom and local domains for Kubernetes cluster.
- Purchase a domain from a certification authority or use a local domain like dot.k8.local.
- Use Route 53 to configure the purchased domain or local domain for the Kubernetes cluster.
Learn how to manage systems using mini Cube and AWS
- Install mini cube by following the instructions in the video
- If you have free AWS points, you can also try managing systems on AWS