Difference between Docker and Kubernetes
- Docker is a
container platform while Kubernetes is a
container orchestration platform.
- Kubernetes offers features like
auto healing, auto scaling, cluster management, and enterprise capabilities.
Cloud Control Manager in Kubernetes
- Cloud Control Manager is responsible for managing default controllers in Kubernetes.
- Cloud Control Manager helps in implementing Kubernetes on cloud providers, allowing them to contribute to the logic for specific services like load balancers.
QProxy updates IP tables to route requests from a node Port service to Pods
- Container runtime is required for containers to run
- Kubernetes supports multiple container runtimes, including Docker shim
Difference between Docker container and Kubernetes pod
A pod is a runtime specification in Kubernetes written in YAML files
- A pod can have one or multiple containers that can communicate using the same network and share resources
Namespace provides logical isolation of resources in a Kubernetes cluster.
- Namespace allows multiple projects and teams to work within the same Kubernetes cluster.
- Developers within a namespace have logical separation and can work on their respective projects.
Q proxy is responsible for routing requests to pods using IP tables.
- Q proxy updates the IP tables on every Linux machine.
- By default, IP tables are used for routing in Kubernetes.
Three different types of services in Kubernetes:
cluster IP mode, node Port mode, and load balancer mode.
- Cluster IP mode allows access to the service only within the Kubernetes cluster.
- Node Port mode enables access to the service using the Node IP and port number defined in the service.yaml file.
Pod lifecycle and management in Kubernetes
- The cubelet continuously monitors the status of pods and sends notifications to the API server when a pod goes down.
- The API server informs the replica set controller to scale up the pod count if necessary.
Day-to-day activities on Kubernetes
- We manage Kubernetes clusters and ensure application deployment with monitoring.
- We troubleshoot issues related to pods, services, and routing traffic. We also perform maintenance activities for worker nodes.