Git and GitHub

 Version control system addresses sharing and versioning of code

 Git is a distributed Version Control System that solves the problem of centralized systems like SVN.

 Git is a distributed version control system that solves the problem of centralized version control systems

 GitHub and other systems have built solutions on top of git to improve upon the existing version control system.

 Git uses a hidden folder called .git to track everything in a repository.

 Git allows you to track and manage changes in your project

 Git is a version control system that allows you to switch between different versions of your code.

- GitHub repository creation
Version control system addresses sharing and versioning of code
- Sharing of code becomes difficult when multiple developers are working on the same project
- Versioning allows for keeping track of changes made to the code over time

Git is a distributed Version Control System that solves the problem of centralized systems like SVN.
- Version Control Systems are essential for keeping track of code changes over time.
- Centralized systems like SVN require a central server for communication between developers.
- Git allows developers to share code directly with each other or create multiple copies for distribution.
- Git's distributed nature provides greater flexibility and independence for developers.

Git is a distributed version control system that solves the problem of centralized version control systems
- In a centralized system, if the central server goes down, communication between developers is affected
- In a distributed system like Git, developers can create multiple copies (forks) of the code and communicate with each other using their copies

GitHub and other systems have built solutions on top of git to improve upon the existing version control system.
- GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket all use the same concept of git.
- You can build your own open source version of git or download a prebuilt version.
- GitHub and others have built wrappers or solutions on top of git to enhance its functionality.
- The difference between git and GitHub is that GitHub provides additional features and a user interface.
- To create a git repository, you need to install git and initialize an empty git repository.
- The three essential git commands are git add, git commit, and git push.

Git uses a hidden folder called .git to track everything in a repository.
- The .git folder contains important things like references and objects.
- Hooks in the .git folder can be used to prevent unintended commits.
- The config file in the .git folder is used to configure git credentials and security settings.

Git allows you to track and manage changes in your project
- Git uses commands like git add and git commit to track and commit changes
- Git logs and commit IDs help you keep track of your commits and revert to previous versions

Git is a version control system that allows you to switch between different versions of your code.
- Git reset command can be used to go back to a previous version.
- Using distributed systems like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket, you can share your code with peers or organizations.
- To create an account with GitHub, simply visit the website and sign up.

GitHub repository creation
- Click on the GitHub icon to go to the repository creation page
- Choose the repository name and type (public or private)
- Provide details and initialize with a readme file
- Click on create repository to finish creation
- Push local changes or directly make changes in the repository
- Use Forks to create copies and collaborate with other developers

IX. Git Branching Strategy
- Git branching strategy is important for timely releases and customer satisfaction.
- Branching strategy allows for separating and testing new changes before merging with existing code.
- Creating branches in Git allows for separate development and testing of new features before merging them into the main branch.
- Feature branches and release branches are important in version control
- Git workflow involves master branch, feature branches, and release branches.
- Branching strategy: Master, feature, hotfix, and release branches.
- Uber introduced new branches for bike and intercity features.
- Branching strategy explained
Git branching strategy is important for timely releases and customer satisfaction.
- Git branching strategy is a commonly asked interview question in the DevOps field.
- The primary goal of any organization is to ensure timely releases and customer satisfaction.
- A proper and efficient branching strategy is crucial for achieving these goals.
- In this session, we will learn about branching strategy theoretically and practically using the popular open-source project Kubernetes as an example.

Branching strategy allows for separating and testing new changes before merging with existing code.
- A branch is a separate copy of code used for development.
- Branches are created to add new features or make breaking changes without affecting existing functionality.
- Once changes are tested and approved, they are merged with the existing code.
- Branches can be deleted once changes are merged.

Creating branches in Git allows for separate development and testing of new features before merging them into the main branch.
- Developers create a new branch for bike functionality and continue testing until confident.
- Once confident, the new functionality is added to the existing application and the new version is delivered to customers.
- Creating branches helps manage and organize development efforts.
- A good branching strategy involves creating separate branches for new features and merging them into the main branch once they are tested and stable.
- Organizations may have multiple feature branches for different requests or functionalities.

Feature branches and release branches are important in version control
- Feature branches are created for new features and collaboration
- Release branches are used for delivering applications to customers

Git workflow involves master branch, feature branches, and release branches.
- Developers work on feature branches and merge them to the master branch.
- Release branches are created for testing and releasing new versions of the product.
- Hotfix branches are used for quick bug fixes in production.

Branching strategy: Master, feature, hotfix, and release branches.
- Hotfix branches should be merged to both master and release branches.
- Master branch should always be up to date.
- Release branches are used for shipping the code.
- The branching strategy ensures code organization and version control.

Uber introduced new branches for bike and intercity features.
- Uber created a branch called feature bikes to develop the bike feature.
- Uber created a branch called feature intercity to develop the intercity feature.

Branching strategy explained
- This video explains the concept of branching strategy in software development.
- Branches like release branches, bug fix branches, and feature branches are commonly used.
- Hotfix branches are created to address customer-reported bugs in production.
- Releases are performed from release branches.
- Feature branches are used to introduce breaking changes.
- The master/trunk branch is kept up to date with the latest changes.
- Branching strategies are followed by multiple organizations.