Configuration Management With Ansible Practical Hand-ons

Learn how to install and use Ansible
- Install Ansible using your package manager
- Set up passwordless authentication to communicate with servers

Set up passwordless authentication for Ansible
- Generate SSH key using SSH-keygen command
- Copy public key to target server's authorized keys file

Ansible ad hoc commands can be used for simple tasks without writing playbooks
- Ansible Playbook is a file used to write ansible tasks
- Ansible ad hoc commands can be run from CLI without writing playbooks

Ansible ad hoc commands are useful for executing one or two tasks on target servers.
- Ansible ad hoc commands are simple and easy to execute.
- Ansible Playbooks are used for executing multiple tasks on target servers.
- Ansible provides documentation for all its modules and their arguments.

Learn how to group servers and execute tasks on specific servers using Ansible
- Group servers in the inventory file and execute tasks on specific groups
- Use become root to execute Ansible Playbooks as root user

Writing a simple Ansible playbook to install and start Nginx
- Use hyphens to indicate a YAML file and start a playbook
- Tasks can be executed using shell commands or Ansible modules

Learn how to execute Ansible Playbooks
- Use the ansible-playbook command to run Playbooks
- Gather facts, install packages, and start services using Playbooks

Learn Ansible and Ansible Roles for efficient playbook writing
- Ansible can be used to execute playbooks and write custom modules
- Terraform is a better tool for infrastructure creation, while Ansible is better for configuration management

Segregate and improve efficiency by creating roles in Ansible
- Roles allow for structured and efficient Ansible playbooks
- Roles contain folders for tasks, templates, files, handlers, tests, vars, defaults, and meta

Ansible roles are used to organize playbooks and make them reusable.
- Roles consist of various folders like tasks, handlers, files, templates, etc.
- Ansible interview questions cover roles, handlers, and complicated scenarios.